Why am I posting this ugly picture of Downtown Austin? So many power lines. So many!

The answer is because UntamedAustin™ is about REAL IMAGES… I want people who are not from here or who have not been here to get a real view of what Austin is like not just the glossy pretty pictures.

I am also posting it because as I was driving down Lamar Street on a Photo Adventure I noticed a flash of red moving to my right (It was a woman wearing a baseball cap). My first though was does she not know about the SEVERE HEAT? It was easily 102, maybe even 104 degrees outside. She does have some kind of hydration with her, but its a bad idea to exercise on days the one pictured not just because of the heat, but also OZONE levels. Austin has a bit of an ozone problem on some days.

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality


TECQ is the place you want to check before you exercise so that you are not out on high OZONE days. Coming from another very hot climate with dangerous Ozone levels I learned to check before I went on any cycling ride.

Exercising in moderate ozone can harm you in a few ways. Ozone is a gas that is made up of three oxygen atoms. It is found in the upper atmosphere, where it protects us from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. However, ozone can also be found in the lower atmosphere, where it is a pollutant.

Moderate levels of ozone can irritate your lungs and make it difficult to breathe. This can be especially dangerous for people with asthma or other respiratory problems. Exercising in moderate ozone can also increase your risk of developing lung cancer.

If you must exercise in moderate ozone, it is important to take precautions. Wear a mask that can filter out ozone, and avoid exercising strenuously. It is also a good idea to stay hydrated and cool.

  • Irritate your lungs. Ozone can irritate the lining of your lungs, making it difficult to breathe. This can cause symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
  • Increase your risk of developing lung cancer. Exposure to ozone has been linked to an increased risk of developing lung cancer. This is especially true for people who smoke or have other risk factors for lung cancer.
  • Make it difficult to exercise. Ozone can make it difficult to exercise, especially if you are doing strenuous activity. This is because ozone can reduce the amount of oxygen that your body can take in.

Here are some of the specific ways that exercising in moderate ozone can harm you:

If you are planning on exercising in moderate ozone, it is important to take precautions to protect yourself. Here are some tips:

  • Avoid exercising during peak ozone levels. Peak ozone levels are typically in the afternoon, so it is best to exercise in the morning or evening.
  • Wear a mask that can filter out ozone. There are a number of masks available that can filter out ozone. These masks are typically made of activated charcoal or other materials that can trap ozone molecules.
  • Stay hydrated. Ozone can dry out your airways, so it is important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.
  • Take breaks. If you start to feel shortness of breath or other symptoms, take a break from exercising.

By taking these precautions, you can help to protect yourself from the harmful effects of exercising in moderate ozone.

Here are some of the factors that can contribute to ozone formation on hot days:

  • High temperatures: Hot days provide the ideal conditions for ozone formation. The heat causes the pollutants to react more quickly, and the sunlight provides the energy needed for the reaction to occur.
  • Sunny days: Ozone formation requires sunlight. On cloudy days, the sunlight is blocked, and ozone levels are lower.
  • Low wind speeds: Low wind speeds can trap pollutants in the air, allowing them to react and form ozone.
  • High humidity: High humidity can also contribute to ozone formation. The humidity can help to trap pollutants in the air, and it can also increase the amount of sunlight that reaches the ground.
  • Traffic congestion: Traffic congestion can also contribute to ozone formation. Cars emit pollutants that can react to form ozone.